
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yarn Bomb II & III

Second and third bombs in one night! Would it count as one or two?? One night…two locations, I am going with two and since it’s my blog I can do what I wanna! I was super excited to get started and it looked even better than I anticipated. With all of your help and my partners in crime we successfully pulled it off!

Not only did my sleuthy friends help bomb, one learned to crochet so she could make cozies!! I am proud to say she is hooked (pun totally intended) If I pulled her into a life of hooking does that make me her pimp?!?! The other…well let’s say she created her own kind of crochet, yes, she actually did crochet though it turned into a bracelet instead of…well anything else. Thank goodness she is a sharp shooter since hooking is not something she’ll be quitting her day job for!

The 3 of us along with my daughter got together Monday night around 9 for some chatting and tagging 50+ coffee cozies! Each sleeve got a tag tied to it to help explain what they were for and to tie it at the location. We ended up taking quite a bit longer to get them done. That along with too much chatting and laughing and teaching Lyndsi to read patterns we hit the road around 2am! First location we strung about 30 cozies from the doors, around the front and the counter of the drive thru. Lesson learned: using thread to attach tags and leave enough to hang and store in bag until used= very large tangled mess! We had a little hiccup with the ties but we brought extra so it all worked out. Even worse my dumb ass forgot the signs we printed to post explaining what we were doing! Lucky for me Ciara {as always} came to my rescue! A quick handwritten note had to suffice.

Loaded up and off to our second location. The second one is much smaller and located in a strip mall so there was much less area and far fewer good places to tie them. {BUT the lighting made for much easier picture taking.} Nothing a little purple duct tape couldn’t cure ;)

I have to admit these are my new favorite bombs, yeah, yeah I know it’s not like I’ve done a million of them to compare to but I love the spread the yarn love and it being something useful as well.

Thank you to everyone that has participated and helped by sending cozies! It would not be possible without you! Now….onto the pictures!

Please keep the cozies coming! I am hoping to do this over the next month whether it’s big or small bombs. If you are near Phoenix, La Jolla or Camarillo and want to join please let me know!


  1. Is that my Angry bird I see in the first pic?

  2. Hi,cute cute cute! I'm going to try to help on one of these. On the 4th photo what kind of yarn was used for the monkey part? It looks closer to the offical sock monkey color. Is there a pattern for the Angrey bird or owl ones?

    Liz Parsons

  3. I'm near the Phoenix area and would love to participate!! Is there a pattern to make a cozie?

  4. When will you be in La jolla? I am near there and would love to participate. I have 10 cozies made just waiting for some more friends.
