
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wanna Make It Wednesday...on Thursday

Wanna Make It Wednesday may pop up on Thursdays for the next month or so until the baby shower giveaway is complete!  If I have a giveaway on Wednesday it will be Thursday, if not it'll stay on it's usual day :)

Is anyone else ready for the fall flavors??  I love pumpkin any and everything and look forward to October so I can feel ok about eating and making pumpkin foods.  I think these Double Kissed Pumpkin Cookies from Picky Palate look absolutely delish!  My favorite things...pumpkin kisses and chocolate chunks!  How can they not be good?!?!  I bought the ingredients the other day but really need a new cookie sheet or two.  I am thinking of trying those silicone things.  My cookie sheets always look crappy really fast!  I actually tend to just use parchment paper on top of the skuzzy pans but maybe one of these days I’ll upgrade.  

I have linked back to I Am Momma Hear Me Roar more than once but we are going there again!  I love this upcycled scarflette and can’t even tell you just how easy it is!  Seriously anyone can make this!  It’s the perfect project for sweaters you may no longer wear or that thrift store find.  I love the color and the HUGE buttons!  

Also if you don’t follow I Am Momma yet, you should…but if not go check out these cute bowties!  If you are looking for a new pattern she recently released one for the retro pointed bowtie and it is just TOO adorable!!  I think Sawyer could totally sport it!  You can go buy the pattern here at her Etsy shop Roar...and then make and send me one or five ;)

The bow ties are seriously so cute and she has about a million other ADORABLE pictures of these cuties!

Next up…Just a Girl shares her craft room renovation.  I love the hutch she redid and this pegboard.  The hutch won’t be happening here, but the pegboard just might!  I love it so much I am trying to think of what I could use it to organize so I can justify making it!  Ha ha!  If you want to make one yourself head over and get the quick run down, looks pretty simple to me.   I am thinking Goodwill for a frame, Home Depot for pegboard and I'm set!  Just to decide what to put on it!  Hmmm...scissors, hooks, I mean I have tons of stuff just not stuff I need all that often.

Now, what do you want to make???


  1. I like the pegboard idea. I wish I had a place to put one. We have an office/craftroom, but it's also full of junk, and I'm not really motivated!

  2. Just found your blog from Tater Tots and Jello.. Love it ..I'm your newest follower. Can't wait to see all your great ideas!!
