
Friday, October 1, 2010

Baby Shower Giveaway #2

I told you that you would see something for the little ladies!

Again, my favorite size and shaped burp cloths! These are hand made by myself out of super soft flannel in pretty (but not too babyish print).  These are flannel on both sides, one side is pink and the other is a fun girly paisley that helps give a little break from all the over the top pink that is your world when you have a girl!  These are made a little thinner making them perfect for those babies that don't puke a ton. This was my most favorite style of burp cloth last time. You'll get 4 burp cloths for your princess or to pass along to one.

Here's how to enter!

1 entry for telling me the one "luxury" item that you couldn't live without with your babies
1 entry for following this blog
1 entry for following my fan page

want a few extra entries?

1 entry for posting this giveaway on your facebook;  please either tag Inner Hooker or leave a link back here
1 entry for posting this giveaway on your blog; please leave a link to your blog post

That's a total of 5 chances to win!
Don't forget to leave a separate comment for each entry!

Contest closes at 11:59pm (central) on October 3nd (Sunday).
The winner will be announced on October 4th!

Did you miss the first giveaway??  You still have time to enter!  Click HERE
Also I am so embarrassed to say but there is a typo on the first one!  Only 1 winner will be chosen!  I originally had the burp cloths going together but couldn't figure a way to pick a boy and girl winner.  When I split them I obviously forgot to change the most important sentence.  MY APOLOGIES!


  1. I don't have any children but from what my aunt talks about, she can't live without the cd of ocean sounds. It always makes her kids fall right asleep.

  2. Following your blog** It cut out what I was going say.

  3. I always liked the oversize lightweight organic cotton snuggie blankets. I had a 9.4 lb baby and they fit her perfectly. ;)

  4. I'm a follower on fb

  5. I also follow your blog :)

  6. I couldn't live without a swaddler blanket that you velcro them in, the first months of life, the only way my son would sleep.

  7. I couldn't live without a swaddler blanket that you velcro them in, the first months of life, the only way my son would sleep.

  8. I am super excited about getting a Moses Basket. I know you can use a pack and play or a bassinet, but I just love the look of Moses Baskets!!

  9. well its been awhile.. but I guess I would have to say bouncey seat??? IDK... she loved that thing...

  10. Oh and I blogged about it too :) Gotta win cute stuff for my new niece!!!

  11. luxuray item would just have to be the baby Einstein bouncer and movies they are about the only thing that have kept my little girls attention long enough to be able to get anything done that and my oldest daughter :)

  12. Don't have my baby here yet, but I think a car seat canopy and a sling are going to be lifesavers! I've got to go back to school shortly after she gets here, and I don't want people reaching in and touching her (especially in the winter when everyone's sick!), so the car seat cover-up will come in handy!

  13. Posted giveaway on Facebook! Tagged Inner Hooker and linked to your blog!

  14. Facebook fan!!

  15. I follow your blog! :)

  16. My favorite item was my daughters swing! Kept her happy, put her to sleep, and let me get things done around the house! loved it!

  17. I posted the giveaway with a link to your blog on my facebook page! :)

  18. I loved my boppy during the first few months...not really for nursing but to lay my baby in. It kept her comfortable and she slept really well in it during the day.

  19. even though it's been years and I'm a grandma now (but a YOUNG one lol) I used Playtex drop ins for the bottles instead of just re-using the same old bottles over and over. It was convenient and easy, and definitely a luxury for me to have them. (because they weren't the cheapest even back then...)
    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  20. like you on FB Michele Pineda
    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  21. Facebook follower!

    I couldn't live without a snuggle bear that sounds like being in mommy's tummy!

  22. I could not live with out my JJ Cole carseat. stroller, and hat set! I am due in Dec. with my little girl and my son was born in Feb! A winter baby, JJ cole makes the best quality, super warm and safe options for traveling around with the little one! And the hat that matches, well, that is just icing on the cuteness!!

  23. And have followed on FB for a while too! Love it too!

  24. Here's my blog entry:

  25. I am already a follower ;)

  26. ALready on your FB fan page!!

  27. I posted this on FB and did the little @ Inner Hooker on it, so your name showed up as a hyperlink, I hope that accomplishes the same thing as a tag would. Just in case, here's my URL:!/serve4life

    it's my top post ;)

  28. Hi! I gave you a blog award today!

  29. Hi,
    I follow you on Facebook!

    My "luxury" item that I could not live without was the bassinet!

    I posted a link on Facebook to your blog.

    Amy Ford
