
Friday, October 29, 2010

37 weeks with Baby O

Congratulations! You've got what is officially considered a full-term baby, even with three weeks to go. That doesn't mean he's finished growing — in fact, he's still packing on about a half pound a week (at this age, the average fetus weighs about 6.5 pounds). That makes it a little crowded in your uterus, so he’s probably not kicking as much, though he’s probably stretching, rolling a bit, and wiggling (all of which you’ll be able to feel!). Right now, your little superstar is busy rehearsing for his big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking his thumb (to prepare for that first suckle of milk), blinking, and turning from side to side.

Not much changes in these last weeks other than Baby O chubbing up a bit!  I am really exhausted with pregnancy.  I have had a great pregnancy and feel bad for even complaining, but these last few weeks my body is just exhausted.  My cankles have returned and my ligaments feel like they can't support my body :)  I am ready to feel better but not really ready to be mom to THREE!!!  Not sure if that even makes sense but that is where I am!  I have wrapped up most of my house projects, but I have a few still in limbo.  Today, I am hoping to get the carpet cleaned in the babe's room and all the infant stuff washed and ready.  I am not bothering with the clothes...if it's a girl I won't need them and if it's a boy I'll deal with a few loads of laundry when we get home!  I am so excited to see what this little one is!  I actually set up a little online thing if you want to go over and enter your guesses for sex, size, etc...
click below to play:

I went to the doctor yesterday and had my first internal (blah) but I was happy to hear I am almost dilated to a 2!  I am very realistic that this doesn't mean anything.  I could sit at a 2 for another month or go into labor today.  I am honestly hoping I go into labor on my own about a week early (as long as baby O is ready of course!)  Baby O's heartbeat was 150 and other than the swelling I am healthy as a horse!  Now we just need to name this kid!  Poor nameless child!

Did any of your kids remain nameless at the time of their birth?


  1. Mine wasn't nameless at birth, but it's certainly not uncommon. A coworker of mine got to the point where they needed to be released from the hospital, but wouldn't release the baby without a name! She just had her second child, and very nearly had the same problem! lol I'm sure you will come up with the perfect name just in time :)

  2. Ours is still nameless and we even know she's a girl... I told my husband if we can't agree on a name, she's being named Megatron. We'll call her Meg for short. Ha ha. We're hoping once we see her, we'll know...

  3. My second daughter was nameless until she was born. She is now 6 months old. Gretchen Mailey T. Congrats on your third.

  4. I went to get maternity pictures taken a couple weeks before my due date, with no name picked out. One of the shots she asked me what the baby's name was going to be and I told her one that I liked. She spelled out the name..first and middle, with blocks and took a picture of them on my belly. I figured I better stick with that name since we had pictures of it :) Sure did help me make my decision.

  5. Our son was born Sept 9, we didn't know the gender, the hospital would not tell us, that is their policy. We felt we were having a girl, boy were we wrong! We had a girls name picked out and struggled with a boys name so when Ben arrived that Thursday, he was nameless until Sunday afternoon when we finally decided.
    When our daughter was born, 4 years ago, it was about a week before we decided on a middle name. Her first name we had picked out months before, but again, we didn;t know if we were having a boy or a girl.

  6. Both our boys have been nameless at birth. We had a list of names we liked...but took a little time after they were born to decide.
