
Friday, July 30, 2010

Week 24

Week 24 and baby O is still a papaya

I can't believe I am already a month over halfway through this pregnancy.  It is honestly going by way too fast.  Too fast for many reasons; Sawyer is still so little and I do feel very guilty springing a sibling on him.  Too fast because in just a few months I'll have 2 very small people to take care of in addition to a medium size girl, a large husband and myself!  I am surprised I don't really feel overwhelmed at the thought, just a little guilty.  Like maybe I was selfish for wanting another child?  Anyone else experience these feelings or something similar?

Fetal development in pregnancy week 24:
This is another big week for your magical growing baby! Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”. What’s that? Well, surfactant is sort of what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat whose main purpose is to assist the your baby's little lungs during inflation (as in, filling with air, not getting more expensive). Just in case you’re curious, your submerged baby is still breathing in amniotic fluid, preparing and rehearsing the lungs an oxygen-filled life outside the womb. By the end of this week, your child will be weighing around 2 lbs and 14 inches long. Your baby is almost completely formed, and is beginning to deposit brown fat on his or her body. The purpose of the brown fat is to retain body heat. Newborns are notoriously bad at regulating body temperature at first. This is particularly a problem for a baby born early. Your cutie-patootie may even be a little more plump, but isn't anywhere near their full baby-fatted cute-self. Most of the “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 23

Not baby O; just a body double to show you size :)
Week Twenty Three: Sense of balance develops

In addition to advances in your baby's hearing, his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. And as he gets bigger you may be able to see him squirm underneath your clothes!

• He or she measures over 28cm and weighs up to 550 grams.
• The baby is over 11 inches tall, weighs about a pound.
• The eyebrows are visible.
• The child can successfully suck.
• Bones located in the middle ear harden.

Your baby does a regular 'workout' inside your womb. He or she turns from side to side and head over heels. Thanks to a fully developed inner ear, which controls balance, your baby may have a sense of whether he or she is upside-down or right side up in the womb.

Skin pigment is now forming. The fetus is now proportioned like a newborn except it is a thinner version of a newborn baby since its baby fat has not developed much yet.

The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. Baby has begun producing insulin, important for the breakdown of sugars.

If born now, your baby would have a 20% chance of survival, the odds going up with each passing day. By this week, your baby weighs a little over 1 pound (500g). Its crown to heel length is 11 inches (28cm).

As for you, you may feel clumsy now that your centre of gravity has shifted. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth and your belly button, once an "innie", may now stick out. It'll revert to its pre-baby state soon after you give birth.

Things I Like Thursday...yeah a little late; some love and tutes for the boys!

As promised earlier a few tutorials for hats for the boys!  I wont give the entire rundown of the charity this will benefit; to read more and get the links go to this post.

For our seamstresses;
Radical Cross Stitch shares their tutorial for the Easiest Baby Hat Ever. I love that they added the little star, they have a few more examples on their cute!

I found this adorable Gnome Hat on FaveCrafts.  Pattern was written by Beth Ritzman for BabyEtte Boutique.  You can find the tutorial here.

and this simple preemie size hat.  This could be made up in lots of fun prints, embellished or embroidered.  To get the pattern head over to Extraordinary Ordinary Life.

For the knitters;
I just found the blog Spud and Chloe.  It is filled with amazing, beautiful FREE knitting patterns!!  I seriously LOVE this Dream Catcher hat.  It makes me wish I could knit! 

Another great one is the Apple Hat.

and another cute one at Knitting on the Net

and last but not least some for the hookers
Christ, Coffee, and Knitting Needles shares her pattern for the Miracle Preemie Hat.  This is too cute, essentially a little earflap beanie.  I would whip this up in some great boy colors.

Knittery in the Crochet shares her Bubblegum baby hat

Ribbed Cap Baby Wrap hat is so simple but I love it!  You can find the pattern at Celtic Mommy about half way down the page.  There are also a few other freebies there that would be great!

Squiggles and Grins hat can be found at the Lion Brand website.  You do have to register, but I honestly have never been spammed, never even received an email or offer from them

As with most free patterns they typically only have 1 size and they don't always have the best final pictures.  They are free though and there are plenty out there!  Didn't see one you like???  Head over to Etsy, they have about a million you can buy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I Like Thursday; let's give back

WARNING:  this post is link heavy.  I promise they all bring you to a great cause or a great and FREE tutorial.  WE LOVE FREE!!!

Morning all! Hope you are having a good week! I know I missed Wanna Make It...yet again BUT I had a busy day of Have To Make It yesterday. In all honesty I was sewing the owl's nose onto the hat while Ciara (Ciara Hammonds Photography) was taking pictures of other hats. Nothing like pushing it to the very. last. minute.  I can't wait to share some of the new pictures with you...what I have seen so far is ADORABLE!

I do have some Wanna Makes lined up for next week so keep your eyes peeled for your own post so we can have our weekly see and share!

Now, onto Things I Like Thursday...

My last few weeks have been in regards to collections or drives that benefit a cause. I love these. I think it's a great way to do something small and show people that the world is still good.  These people are being hit with overwhelming emotions and decisions and am fairly sure could use a little extra support and love. It also gives you a little warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside doesn't it? Everyone wins!

If you haven't checked these 2 out yet, head over and do so!

Karter's Bow of Faith we talked about a few weeks back in this post.  She has had a really good turnout! Tara is talking about expanding to a few nearby hospitals and I am REALLY hoping I can help with one in my area. They currently are being sure all the little babies in Dallas Childrens Medical Center are bowed and hatted up and sharing with other units and hospitals as they can. Don't forget those baby boys! If you have hat making skills get on it! 
Nobody wants their boy in a bow...just ask my husband ;)

I saw this great little tutorial on Craftiness is not Optional for a soft, stretchy no scratch headband.
PERFECT!!! You could whip a handful of these up with just 1 T-shirt. I would use a brand new (washed) T for these little babies but you could use any 'ol shirt for you own ankle biters.  There is also a tutorial for a really cute fabric flower. 
Wouldn't that would be a great addition to this headband?  You can find it HERE.

Want a free bow tutorial?  These are actually few and far between.  BUT I did manage to find 2 really good ones to share with you!

First up, Mrs. Sassy Crafter shares how to make her boutique and korker bows!!  These could be made in just about any size, color, etc... and made for SUPAH cheap!  Go to her tutorial and make a few to send off to Karter's Bows! 
click here for the boutique bow tute

click here for the korker bow tute
I actually have everything to make both of the above...maybe I should get busy??

I also have a free tute on my blog for a simple crochet headband

We also highlighted Natasha at Samster Mommy's Tutu Drive a few weeks back in this post.

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive

Her deadline has been expanded until the end of July. Please, please whip one of these up for her! Again, boys may get the raw end so if you have the time and skill let's get the boys a few superhero capes or other manly things. She has a handful of tutorials up to get you started. Can't craft or don't have the time? There are also a few stores working with her giving killer deals on pricing or buy 1 they donate an extra. Go check it out and get started. Even Karly (my sometimes selfish and gifted with only child syndrome) got involved in this one! She spent her OWN money (hobby lobby coupon in hand) and bought the tulle, (I did help cut it since we use a straight blade) and then made this by herself to donate to another sick child. I think she may finally understand that kids, yes her age and even younger get very sick. ahhh makes a momma's heart all mushy to see her child helping others!  Since we are dropping ours at the post tomorrow I think we can now snag this new button! 

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive
Come know you want one ;)

Like I said you have 2 weeks left to get your tutu on. Karter's Bows I am fairly certain will be an ongoing thing. Needless to say I probably need another one do-gooder, spread the word and the love project pretty soon and unfortunately the world is full of sadness, sickness and death so there is never a shortage on these. I'll keep you posted with the next project.

Did you notice I talk about the poor boys not getting items as often as girls and then didn't link up to anything acceptable for boys???  Umm yeah, I just noticed!  Eeeeekkkk!  Off to find some good boy items...I'll be back soon with a few for ya!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


What a fun contest!  It always surprises me which prizes turn out to me most popular!  Thank you to everyone for playing, I can't wait to do another one!  I offer small contests and deals fairly regularly but can't wait to do another big one!  I am already making plans for it.  I am thinking around back to school time would be great so keep your eyes open!

Now onto the winners!

First up; the 3 cheesecloth packs up for grabs.

Just a reminder of just a few things you can do with your new cheesecloths!

Prize #1

Basic Cheesecloth Photography Pack
This is the perfect pack for a photograph; light pink, light blue and cream.

and the winner is....#17 Naomi Lines!

Prize #2
Bold Boy Pack
Great for your little boy sessions; darker blue, green and cream.

and the winner is...#3 Jennifer Mueller

Prize #3
Punk Princess Pack
Very trendy colors for girls these days; dark pink, light pink, and black

and the winner is....#36 Nicole Boardman Benitez

Prize #4
Hoo, Hoo doesn't want another pattern for their collection???

and the winner is...#18 Gemma Fenby

Prize #5
Trio Freebie
Your choice of 3 free patterns!
You can go to Inner Hooker to see your choices

and the winner is.... #20 Heidi Drew

last but DEFINITELY not least

Prize #6 

Custom made Mary Jane slippers from Savvy Stitcher
and the winner is....  #35  Amy Rose!

Thank you to everyone for playing and a big Congrats to the winners!
Please email me ASAP at  so I can get your info and get your prizes in the mail or emailed off to you!

Wanna Make it Wednesday

It has been too long since I last posted a Wanna Make It! My apologies! I have a terrible habit of leaving tabs open of things I want to use for my post and then someone comes along and closes them. Of course I can't remember them so then I am out of luck! I have also actually BEEN making and not just adding to my list; unfortunately nothing I have been making is even on said list.

Onto the goods...

I really love this watermelon dispenser!
How adorable would this be at your next party?!?! I love, love, love it! Our Life in a Click shares how they made it and a few tips after they used it.

Skip to my Lou shares her tutorial for a quick 1 hour bag/purse. It's a little, ok A LOT too small for my taste but it's really cute and looks super simple to make. Not to mention it could easily be enlarged!

and last but not least...
I wanted to make one of these for Sawyer when he was little bitty and of course it didn't happen. Maybe baby O will get one? I want a plain gown with baby's first initial (if I get the name I like) for the take home outfit. I made an outfit for Sawyer, but it was too small! I could have put it on him and made do but he looked so comfy in his gown, so that is what he wore home. Now I think I'll just prepare for the comfort aspect and do a cutesy gown. Head over to This Mama Makes Stuff for the pattern.

Now, what do you wanna make??

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Supah Mommy explains it best on her blog to get there and play for yourself click on the post it...she sums it up

"Why bother wasting your breath, spewing verbalness... when you can simply sum it all up in one neat n tidy little post it note."

Love it!

To get the scoop, write your own and link up click the post it below!

Go HERE to make your post its

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 22; Papaya baby

I am a little late!  This was last Friday's update!

Week Twenty Two: Taste buds develop

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

• Baby starts having a regular sleeping and waking rhythm.
• The mother's movements can wake her baby.
• Taste buds are forming on your baby's tongue.
• The baby is 28cm long (crown to heel) and weighs over 450 grams.
• The weekly weight gain has increased to around 70 grams.

Your baby is about 11 inches long and weighs in at about 1 pound. The eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and the fingernails cover the fingertips. Sounds from a conversation are loud enough to be heard by the fetus in the uterus. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, it's reasonable to expect him or her to be able to hear you.

By this week, your waistline is definitely gone. The top of your uterus is now about 1 inch (3cm) above your bellybutton. Your enlarging abdomen is not too large and doesn't get in your way much. You're still able to bend over and to sit comfortably. Walking shouldn't be an effort. Your friends and relatives can tell you are pregnant. It would be hard to hide your condition.

The baby is about 11 inches (28cm) long (crown to heel) and weighs in at about 1 pound (450g).

Random fact:  the worlds smallest surviving premature baby was just a few days less than I am pregnant.  Can't imagine such a little tiny one surviving.  You can see just how small they are at this point HERE.