
Monday, May 10, 2010

Not Me Monday 05/10

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Onto the good stuff...

My son has not made a habit of crawling from the couch to the side table where he gets stuck pretty much every time. I did not let him cry while I grabbed my camera to snap a picture of this. (no babies were harmed in the making of this post. I did take him off the table only for him to crawl right back over)

Sawyer has also not found his new favorite toy....the toilet! Apparently toilets are just as amazing as bath tubs and pools. I chose to snag him from the toilet immediately as opposed to grabbing the camera first!

Almost every day I do not run out the door for school run not wearing a bra. I mean seriously?

How long does it take to put one on? I don't worry the entire drive if I get pulled over or have to get out of the car. This does not lead to not wearing a bra for the majority of the day. I mean if my boobs looked like this it would be just fine!

unfortunately they resemble this :(

I do not have flowers and sprouted seedlings waiting to be transplanted to their permanent homes. I definitely haven't been procrastinating these for over a week! That's just ridiculous.

I was not the designated driver for a wedding Saturday night (remember I am pregalicious). If I were the dd and sober (truly was) I would for sure be able to drive better than the drunk people! Driving my husband's truck...which I don't do very often, being tired and slightly dehydrated wouldn't make me such a bad driver that we had to get a hotel so Chris could drive us home the next day. O'well, better safe than sorry!

Now, what haven't you been up to???


  1. I'm not eating chocolate for breakfast and reading your blog at work rather than doing my work this morning. :)

  2. That is so funny! So wishing my boons were perky scared to think what they will look like when I am finally done nursing my third, probably like the picture witht them hanging down to the floor.:) Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Haha! Great post! My friends and I joke about how nursing our kids has left us with "Magda boobs" (from the movie Something About Mary). :)
