
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wanna Make it Wednesday

A lot of the blogs I follow seem to all have a few things in common. They post often, I prefer daily or every other day. I know that is demanding and a lot to expect so I just follow 2 dozen blogs so I know I'll always have plenty of new stuff to read! I love reading blogs! Lame? Maybe. O'well, it's me. Another thing I think is fun is having a topic or trend for the day. For example Make It Yourself Monday, Thrifty Thursday, or something like that. Those that follow blogs know what I am talking about.

I love blogging and sharing as much as possible! My life doesn't always allow for daily devotions but I do like to squeeze in a few each week when possible. I decided it was time for me to present myself as so many of the blogs I love. I will be posting more often, yes still plenty of blogs on my beautiful babies and my wonderful life but also links to other great blogs, recipes, fun stuff to do, things I want to share and tell you how bad I want, etc... Today is Wednesday and I happened to find a few things I really, really HAVE to make! OK I may not need but I really wanna make them... so we are going to call Wednesday...Wanna Make it Wednesday. Clever right? I mean aside from the hideous destruction of the English language with such slang.

Wanna Make it Wednesday!

A few weeks back I posted this amazing holiday star! I love it sooo very much! I already purchased everything so no excuses! It must happen this weekend!

I also found these 2 things today that I am desperate to make for this holiday season!

Advent Christmas Tree I bought fabric to make a wall hanging calendar and now I may have to find a new purpose for that fabric. I adore this tree! I need it STAT!

love these thrifty cute candy jars too! So adorable and all 3 for under $ that!

Now...just to find the time to make these...Saturday evening sounds pretty good to me!

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