
Sunday, November 22, 2009

more craft related posts?

I am not sure how many people actually read my blog on the regular, especially now that it is linked to my facebook. Debating changing that actually...I feel like the notes in facebook don't look as nice as the blog. Any thoughts on that?

Back to the reason for this post :) I have tried to keep this blog directly and solely related to my family, the kids, etc... I think when I set up my Etsy shop I felt bad blogging crafty items not wanting to seem only self promoting. Well, crafting is a huge part of me and my life so I am going to bring it back to the blog! I promise it won't turn into a craft only blog, but I like to share what I am working on and what I want to do...someday!

Sooooooo while I still LOVE sewing, I have cut back on it quite a bit. Sewing is something that I really need to be able to devote a few hour sitting to at a time and its gotten really difficult with Sawyer and my schedule. I needed a craft I could take with me and entertain me while I wait for Karly to get out of ballet twice a week. That and seeing all of the adorable baby hats I decided I needed to pick up yarn and hook again. I took a quick 2 hour refresher lesson and I was off! I hate to toot my own horn but I am rockin lately! Chris has been quite patient with my new obsession...he calls it my crack :) I was selling items on Etsy that I had sewn and while I loved getting custom orders between them, a full time job, and my family it was very overwhelming and more often than not didn't pay off. Light bulb moment: sell patterns. I can still make things I love but I don't have to make a million to make profit. I have had so much fun making new things and have actually sold a few. Now if I could only sell a dozen a day I could quit my job! I wanted to share a few pictures with you! Hope you enjoy!

So welcome back to the blog crafty goodness!

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