
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quick August Update

Sawyer is now 12 weeks old. I can't believe how fast it is going. I love watching him get smarter and more aware everyday but at the same time it breaks my heart that he isn't my newborn anymore. Having an almost 11 year old I truly know just how fast it goes. I wish I could keep them both little forever! Sawyer started smiling (with quite a bit of effort) around 7 weeks, now he is really good at it and if you work hard enough he may even give you a little laugh. Love that boys laugh and dimples. He had a doctors appointment at 10 weeks and weighed 13.5 pounds and was 23.5 inches long. Karly is over the moon for him and he loves her too. She will take him in her room and lay with him, talk to him and "play" with him...which ended like this

This is Sawyers work bouncy. He loves it a coworker likes it less :) He gets so excited!

Mr. at the end when he starts to cry...cutest pouty bottom lip!

Talking with Daddy


  1. Way too cute!! I'm sure he'll love seeing that picture when he's grown up lol. Come to Houston so I can hold him!!

  2. so very cute! chris' voice in the video cracks me up! what a donkey!
