
Monday, September 14, 2009

Galveston, TX

The weekend of September 6 we (the kids and I) headed down to Katy, TX. Cousin Laura was having a birthday party for her daughter Neely's 4th birthday! We headed down Friday afternoon so we could make a little mini vaca of it. As usual Chris had to work and missed out :(

Friday night we were exhausted...made it to the hotel and crashed! Saturday morning we got up and headed to Galveston to play at the beach! I packed up my book and crochet stuff..ha ha yeah right what was I thinking?!?! Karly had fun for about 2 hours and then needed a friend. Apparently 3 month old babies aren't much fun when you want someone to swim with. Traveling alone with 2 children was quite stressful. I need a wagon to tote all of our crap around! Overall it was a busy moderately stressful but wonderful weekend. There is something about the ocean that makes you r-e-l-a-x. Here are some pictures and video clips from the hotel and beach trip.

Karly & Sawyer chatting in the hotel room

take a Dramamine before watching this one...Karly's cinematography skills are still in the making :) yes I am wearing Karly's peace sign rhinestone Justice sunglasses...must buy sunglasses asap! Sawyers first feet in the ocean!

Hi from Texas!

My little fish

I will post the pics in a separate post...they always screw everything up and piss me smooth off :) Hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. cute videos! i love hearing sawyers little voice... can't wait to see you all again soon :)
