
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Week Back to Work…

Well my first week back to work proved to be much MUCH more eventful than I would have liked! To those of you that don’t already know my boss is allowing me to bring Sawyer to work! I am so lucky; I can’t even put into words how thankful I am for this. First, I can’t imagine leaving him to be cared for all day by someone else! Second, day care is about 180 bucks a week! Yowza!

Monday was my first day back and the temp that did my job for 6 weeks was going to spend the day filling me in and catching me up on everything…well…she called in sick and the only other girl I work with had jury duty so needless to say day 1 was interesting and exhausting.

Tuesday I was much better prepared and ready for it. Sawyer and I had a great day! I drove home feeling really good and knowing that I could handle this. As I am walking up to my back door I notice some hangars in the yard. Weird I am thinking…then I realize my back door is open. I had a nagging fear all day that I had left the dog loose in the house and when I peaked in the door at first glance I thought the dog had made a huge mess. Then it dawned on me…my house had been ROBBED!!! The whole place was a disaster! I can’t describe the emotions I felt. I called Chris and he left work and then I called 911 and they dispatched police officers. It took them forever to get there, a few hours of report writing, finger printing, etc… They stole guns, knives, hunting bow, most of Chris’s clothes including his Navy uniforms, both of our jewelry including his wedding ring which was his gpa’s, Wii, 300+ dvds, dvd players, computer monitor from Karlys room, all Karly’s jewelry, her foreign money collection and the trinkets Chris got her from around the world when he was deployed, my camera… not to mention the random small stuff…diapers, wipes, iron, apple juice from the fridge!, dog food, etc… I was beyond upset but dealt with it much better than I thought I would. They never went into our office/craft room assumingly because Penny (the dog) was locked in there. Sooo we were pretty relieved that we didn’t have that additional mess to clean plus our good computer is in there.

Wednesday I come home should clean but don’t. I am feeling completely sad and defeated. We pretty much relax all night.

Thursday Chris and I tackled the mess. Only took a few hours with the both of us and our house was back to normal. Such a relief!

Friday…another good day at work. My boss let us off an hour early and I was pretty stoked to be off and getting a few errands done. My phone rings and it’s Aunt Gay…she tells me our house has been robbed AGAIN!!! Seriously. I truly fell apart this time. I knew our good computer was gone and the house would be trashed again. I got home and there were cops already there doing their paperwork. Apparently they thought we were on vacation (our neighbors were) so they drove by to just check up on the place and found the front door kicked in. I truly had a mini meltdown. House is a wreck again, another 50+ dvds gone and our new computer…the worst part is all of my pictures from the last year are on it. Sawyers birth and video clips…Karly’s school stuff and dance from the last year. Just breaks my heart.


  1. aww poor sissy! these people SUCK!!! i hope its all over now :) xoxo!

  2. OMG! I hope they catch them, it's heat breaking to hear this happened to you guys!! Thank goodness they didn't rob you while you where home. BASTARDS!!!

  3. I know this is a hard thing to deal with, but it too will pass. Just remember all the good things and be thankful for them. I love you and you guys are always in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. I HATE THOSE STUPID AND RETARDED people they dont deserve to be on planet earth !!!!!!!!!! PS this is from karly they robbed my house twice and that is just no fair
