
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well I FINALLY got to go home for a visit! It had been 18 months since we moved and since I had been there. Chris flew home over Easter for a wedding, but I went to Los Angeles for Erica's Baptism and such. It was so nice to be able to get back home and see some friends and family. I had a great exhausting time! Flying with an infant wasn't too bad at all. I wore my fabulous carrier and we were rocking! Nursing in the airport was the hardest part!

Waiting to board in Tyler...gotta love flying out at 6am

Aunt Kate & Sawyer
My adorable nephew Jake

Erica &

My brother think I am joking
Momma dropping us off at the airport...yes I balled my eyeballs out
Lovin his nini
JC meeting Sawyer
Jim (Chris's stepdad), Chris and Sawyer Cousins
It truthfully was so great to see everyone; I only wish I had another day or two for those last few visits that never happened. I had planned to go out one night and that never happened...didn't even have the desire! It's amazing how much one can change in 2 years.
Goodbye Phoenix, Arizona...
Hello Tyler, Texas
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry I wasn't quite as good at getting a million pictures but in my defense my hands usually have booby and baby in them :)


  1. Aww..I love the pics! The one of Phoenix almost makes me wanna cry.

  2. these make me miss you guys :( come back!!! xoxo
