
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Meet our new little man...

Sawyer is here living with us on the outside! He was born Monday June 8th at 3:46pm weighing in at 8lbs 7oz and 20 3/4 inches long. He is absolutely perfect! Words can't describe how I feel about this baby. We are all just soaking up every second with him. I wanted to get a few pictures up. I'll be back with more soon! Sorry for the sideways ones...gotta love Blogger

More to come soon...must go feed my boy!


  1. Ohhh my gosh! He is so precious, I am glad things went well. Hope you're getting some sleep mama!

  2. He is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to meet him!!

  3. He's so precious! Congrats! I'm dying to meet him! Hope to see ya'll soon!
    Christina L.

  4. My new great-grandson is so beautiful and perfect...Love & miss U all
