
Sunday, April 26, 2009

33 weeks down...7 more to go!

Sawyer is a wild man! He feels huge already! I can't imagine him growing for 7 more weeks...not sure where he is going to fit! I have appointments every 2 weeks now which I don't love but am trying to be positive about it :) I go this Thursday so I'll give you the update on that but they are usually fairly uneventful...other than attempting to pee in a cup when you have zero visability...and of course last time I kicked it over after I finally got some! Damn it! Ha ha! I have gained about 22 pounds and am really hoping I stay at 30 or below!!! He sits so high I still can button my I would by lying if I said sitting in them all day was comfortable still! I am pretty devoted to my motherhood secret know, the really sexy ones that go up to your boobs! Ah, they are heavenly though! I also officially have my first ever stretch mark...yes I do believe I cried or pretty darn close anyways!
Sawyer is in his creepy alien movement stage. My entire stomach shifts and rolls! I have been trying to catch him on video moving but everytime I get the camera he quits! He had the hiccups yesterday and I finally caught it! I don't know if you will be able to see it very well, but I point out the general area in the beginning so just watch that side! My belly is getting HUGE!!! Scary huge actually. I apparently have no problem exploiting myself so here is the video and scary bare belly picture! I am not sure where Karly got those abs but it surely isn't from my side of the family :) She is attempting to push out as far as she can...I am a little jealous! ;) Karly was "playing" with him the other night...she talks crap to my belly and pokes it and he would kick back. This went on for 3 or 4 was the cutest and funniest thing! What a great memory that will be for me. Playing nicely with her little brother before he even gets here. I think she is just as excited for him as we are!
33 weeks! Yikes that is scary!
Please disregard my orphan shirt and the fact that Karly is once again in her recital outfit (she loves it and it was definitely laundry time)


  1. ha ha for belly hicups. funny. I forgot all about those, but not the alien movements! Skinny Kar! And apparently according to all the "beauty" zines, fake tanner will hide the stretch marks, I wouldn't know I'm covered in 'em.

  2. I really cannot wait to see you! I miss you to the moon!!!

    love the hicups video, so precious!!!

  3. OMG I can totally say I am right there with you Miss! The last 6 weeks are MISERABLE. You look so cute though and, so sorry to hear about the stretch mark... they can be devastating!

  4. dang look at that belly... i think i'm hungry for some!! have any in the back of your car?!?

  5. Ha Ha! Isn't Erica just the funniest!
