
Monday, February 9, 2009

Sewing Project #2

This weekend’s project was baby shoes! They turned out quite adorable!!! Sew a little button on the front and they would be perfect! Well, not quite perfect…but pretty close! I learned how important it is to stitch straight or at least the same distance from the edge. These were so fun to make! I can’t wait to try a variety of different ones!

I also had a second project this weekend that turned out OH SO FABULOUS! I want to make a few more before the unveiling! Pictures and blog to come later this week!


  1. They are the QT est things I've ever seen. Good job. Sawyers feet can stay cute and cozy in these.I'm very proud of you. Auntie Gay

  2. Good Job... I am impressed! Your belly is so cute by the way!!!

  3. HEy I just read your thing about Hypnobirthing... and I think that is great that your going to do that! I remember with Tayler before I got my epidural all I wanted to do was stand in my bed to get the pain to go away, but I was told to just try and sit still so they could get the epi in. Hmmmm, was worht it????? YES I was in heaven after the epi. BUT BUT BUT you are right... our bodies were not meant to deliver babies laying down on our backs, their are a lot of things that I wish I could do..but I think this one I will just stick to what I know. That is my problem I would be too terrified of the unknown. I am kind of a control freak like that!

  4. These are the cutest things I have seen in a long time. I would pay you to make me some!

  5. Ryder loved those type of shoes until he was finally too big and too rough on them!! They are perfect for babies/toddlers!! Go Scotti!!!!!
