
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Random Wednesday

Hello and Happy Hump day to everyone! Hope all is well in your world! I actually feel like crap today but hey I guess it's all part of it! I saw THIS today and decided it HAS to be one of my next projects :) I absolutely adore it! There are further directions on the fiskars website if you are interested.

I thought this picture was just too adorable not too share. It's my new favorite of my lovies!
Are they not the cutest?!?!
Took this self portrait this am :) I am getting soooo big! I am a few days shy of 24 weeks, so I still have quite a ways to go! I can't believe how different I am carrying Sawyer. He sits so high and out there! I can actually still button my regular pants because my belly starts above them!

PS If you haven't heard yet his name is Sawyer Jack


  1. sawyer jack is good... i like it.

    super cute pic of the love's, they are adorable.
    don't love your new project, not sure wy but it doesn't excite me....

    miss you to the moon my favoritist BFF!!! xxoo

  2. Man you're cranking out crafts left and right! I feel like a slacker!! You're too cute, hope when I'm preggers I'll look as thin as you do.

  3. love all the pics... especially your preggo belly! i wish i was there to experience it with you!! hug kar and chris for me, i miss you guys! by the way, i really like sawyer jack... i think last time you asked me i was in a bad mood or something b/c i love the name jack! very very cute little family!
