
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What do you think about Sawyer for baby boy's name? So far, and for the last 20 weeks that is the only name Chris and I can both agree on. I have about a million others that I love, but they all get the veto pretty quickly! Needless to say, unless something that blows us both away comes along...Sawyer is his name. Any ideas for middle names? I like Michael or Matthew, Chris isn't thrilled with either. Karly hates Sawyer so she isn't any help either!

Went to the doctor today for my ultrasound where they check out all of his guts and take measurements. According to them everything looks great! He supposedly weighs about 13 ounces which is normal! I had a list of questions for my doctor and not only did I forget them, he popped in the room for truly 2 minutes! So frustrating! $200 for 2 minutes time...I should have been an OB!!! They only took 4 pictures, and one I honestly can't tell what it is? Maybe the placenta?!?! they are...




  1. Isn't it odd that a 13 oz thing can move around so much and feels like a full grown baby in there? It is so weird to me.

  2. I can't wait. Sawyer James. It's a good one to yell out when you're mad at him for wearing your favorite high heels around the house and out into the muddy back yard. :D

  3. Did you realize if you do either of those middle names you two will have the same initials???

    I vote matthew for the middle, and you have to keep sawyer, I am attached to it already. PS, can I pretty please be his adopted aunt, I will never get to be a "real" aunt at the rate my sissy's are going...

    Miss you guys! Give the bugger a guy for me and tell Chris and Kar I miss them!

    PSSS - WTF. :D

  4. hi sissy! although I don't have a blog you know i follow yours!!! i love the name sawyer but please please please no on the middle name james!! you know how i feel about that! i would die :) i like michael, like my little brian michael!!
