
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Halfway there...and Blueberry Muffins

Our family has been battling this nasty head cold all week! I do think we have it about beat, thank goodness! I have been pretty miserable! Lots of rest, vitamins, and orange juice since that's about all I can do! As for Chris...he has been walking around in a nyquil stuper! Hoping we are all up and running full speed this week. The shock fence we put in to contain our dogs actually works! We should have done this months ago!
So, I am going to try this click on the word and be linked to what I am talking about thing...I am not always the most techno savvy person, so let's hope it works! The words that are a different color will be ones with links. Try it and let me know!

I am officially 20 weeks along (yesterday actually) which is technically halfway, though I guess we won't really know until he is here! At 20 weeks I definitely have a baby bump, but so far have kept my weight gain in control!! YAY! I can feel him flipping around in there like crazy and can't wait to share it with Chris and Kar. I go in for my big ultrasound on Wednesday to check out all his guts and find out the sex..hee hee...we already know! Other than that things are just the same around here! I am going to try to convince Chris to go and register pretty soon...just because it's fun to look at all the little baby stuff! I am thinking Babies R Us; I know they can be a little more expensive, but they have a huge selection especially if you check out online! Any input here? Anything you just couldn't live without with your baby? Can you believe it's been 10 years for me! Thank goodness for nephews and other little babies I have had around! I'll try to get a few belly pictures up this week sometime.

I have been back to crafting and loving it! Went to my scrap class this week, it was fun, my heart just isn't in scrapping right now. Now I am desperately waiting for my sewing machine to arrive! I think I finally figured out my issues with her bottle cap necklaces! Hoping to whip up a few today, pictures to follow! Have you all heard of Etsy? If you haven't, check it out! Our cousin Laura just set up her little shop (click to visit) and I am hoping to follow suit shortly! I am not expecting to live off the royalties, but it would be nice if it would help support the hobby fund!

Karly and I went to the library yesterday; I got a few basic sewing books and she got a few cookbooks. Her favorite is the Fairy Princess one...maybe she will whip us up some fairy pretzels later today! She now is planning her princess party where she will be making all of the dishes....maybe she will grow up and be a caterer/party planner!?! Who knows with this child of mine! She is too funny. Snapped a few pictures of Karly making us blueberry muffins, (from a box...not the cookbook) for breakfast this morning. She LOVES blueberry muffins! Not to mention you can never see too many pictures of my adorable girl!


  1. You are very right! Your daughter is so adorable! :) I remember her coming to Rosewood once, she was so much younger! :)

    As for setting up a website to sell your crafts, I think that's a great idea. I would buy stuff! :)

  2. I freaking love her! So cute, wish I had muffins for breakfast today. Thanks for the mad props on my site and etsy store. Love ya!

  3. Wow -- to much in one post.

    Okay -- lets hope little sawyer's thingy hasn't fallen off and turned into sawyerette :)

    Yay for not being sick anymore

    And I MISS KAR!!!!! ariel has really gotten into cooking too, she makes me dinner at least once a week.

    Register where ever, Babies R Us does have like the best selection of everything!!

  4. You might do the liquor store too for the sleepless nights! ;) jk

    Kar is so cute, I have an over flow of cookbooks I need to go through one day. I'll have to pass some along to her.

  5. Yes, I vote for Babies R Us. They do have a HUGE selection. You could register at two places to give people the choice to shop at their fav store if you wanted.
