
Friday, November 14, 2008

10 weeks down...30 to go!!!

Well, I have survived the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. I am 25% of the way there! It still seems so weird that I am really pregnant. We are really having a baby! I am assuming when I start to show and feel the baby it will feel more real to me. I think I am almost over the sick and exhausted phase. I can’t wait to feel better…I am just sick of feeling tired and blah. I hope as things progress I find this more enjoyable. With Karly I was so young and in a less than desirable situation so when I wasn’t ignoring the situation I didn’t feel anything really. I always thought the next time would be perfect. All warm and fuzzy and great feeling…I wanted to be one of those people who swear they love being pregnant and have never felt better or more beautiful. I am so not one of those people. I am tired and feel like crap. I have only gained a pound or 2 but I swear my pants are already fitting a little snugger. Don’t even get me started on the bathroom issues and prepubescent skin! Cross your fingers that the second trimester is warm, fuzzy and beautiful!


  1. YAY for baby... still hoping its a girl! The heartbeat was precious today, Congrats (again) and I am so excited for you guys

  2. Hey Scotti,
    How do you make the background of your blog so cool? I can just change the colors of mine... boring...

  3. Scotti, I just came across your blog on Courts page... and I thought you looked familiar. Do you remember me? Aly Pritchert??? Maybe, Maybe Not. Well, I hope all is well. I am prego too, just 2 weeks ahead of you.

  4. The 2nd trimester is the best. You start to look preggo, you have more energy, but you are not grossly huge yet, LOL. Pregnancy is tough, I won't lie, but you will be soooo thrilled in the end!!! I'm still over the moon excited for you and wish I could be a part of it all.
