
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saying Hello!

Hope everyone is doing well! I went to the doctor's office for my financial appointment today...this having a baby the legitimate way sure is pricey! They set you up on a payment plan so that everything is paid, except for the hospital by the time you are 7 months…I guess you just stay pregnant forever if you don’t pay! I really liked my nurse which is always a plus. My first real appointment is next Thursday and I am pretty excited…heartbeat and ultrasound, always something to look forward too!

Karly’s birthday is quickly approaching! We are celebrating with a possible sleepover (I am still not sold on this part of the plan) and then a party at the roller skating rink! She is such a funny kid! She has never even skated and wants a skating party?!?! Should be fun! We also have a great surprise in store for her…can’t tell yet, really don’t want it ruined! I am really looking forward to it! She is busy with dance and girl scouts as always. Last GS meeting they made blankets for the Project Linus Organization; is the link if you are a part of a group looking for a good community project. Karly’s first dance production here is next month, she is a little nervous but excited as always. She says she is up front close to ‘her’ audience! She is also participating in a district writing competition. They only chose 4 students in 4th grade, so 3 days a week she stays late at school. I need my momma to move here and help chauffeur!

No other big news to report!!! Chris and I trying to keep up with Karly!

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