
Monday, May 31, 2010

How do customers find you?

Best advice I have ever found in the forums!

I am always wondering just how people find Inner Hooker. Sure I have Google analytics, but that doesn't really tell how they found me. Just how they find Etsy in general. It is good for sites I do paid advertising on since the chances they came from a particular blog to my store is pretty good.
I was just thinking about asking on facebook how you found Inner Hooker. I am in the process of reevaluating and revamping my paid ads and would love to know who really comes from where. This asks the question (How people found me) in PayPal checkout. Sure this is not a guarantee they will click, but it may help some and it's free so why not? You can ask any question and have up to 5 answer options. If any other sellers are interested here's how you can do it too! I did not figure this out myself or even write it. Too see the original thread post click here: Etsy Forum Thread.

The quick and easy steps to add the one question survey:

1) Login to your PayPal account

2) Under “my account” click “profile”

3) Under “selling preferences” click “custom payment pages”, then click “options” and go to “merchant service options”

4) Check “add a customer service survey” and fill in the blanks

5) Make sure you click “SAVE” before you exit

I asked “How did you find Inner Hooker?” for my question

For the five answer choices, I used:

-internet search
-blog ad
-Etsy search

I hope this may help us all!  Oh and if you have a minute please let me know how you found Inner Hooker!  Thanks a million!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby O 15 weeks

Hello all! Sorry for slacking. Had a little bug followed by a great visit from a very old friend (more to come on this later). I didn't post my weekly update so here it is a few days late! Let's see what baby O is up to!
Week 15

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now out measure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

How your baby's growing:

Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")

Friday, May 28, 2010


Thank you all so much for playing along with all of your kind words and support! You are all seriously amazing!

I wish everyone could win :( Congrats to all our winners!

Please email me at and tell me which pattern you would like!

Thanks again to everyone!

The Stevens Family said... I just became a blog follower

Amanda said...LOVE all of your patterns but my newest fav is the Skunk Hat Pattern1 :) Follower and on your fan page, purchased a few pattern in the past from you, very satisfied! :) Thanks!

Bry and Rach said... and it is now posted on my FB!!! :)

Amanda Lawson said... I follow you on FB

Marcella said...i love the polka dot pom pom hat!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am an addict

ME:  Hi, my name is Scotti and I am an addict
YOU:  Hi Scotti
ME:  It's been 36 hours since I last used...

my glue gun ;) 

ok...ok...a little too lame? yes, yes I am

Today you can find me over at Craftaholics Anonymous!  Click the button to go visit! 
I hope you enjoy the crochet headband tutorial!

If you are coming over from CA...stick around for a bit.  Oh, and I wouldn't mind a new follower or 2...come on...all the cool kids are doing it!  Oh, and I may bribe you with a giveaway you can enter HERE

Hopefully I am feeling better ASAP so I can get you some Wanna Make It Wednesday love up...if not, I promise it will be back next week!!

Free Stuff!

As promised another GIVEAWAY!!!

You could be the lucky winner of a Hooker pattern of your very own!

along with a few pictures of some of my newer patterns

I love doing giveaways especially to celebrate milestones! So here we are celebrating 500 people 'liking' us on facebook and hitting 1500 sales! I can't believe what a fun and wild ride this has been! I seriously (as usual) can't thank everyone enough. I seriously consider a handful of my regular fb'ers friends! I know its weird since I have never met them, and likely never will BUT I still feel like we are pals!

Now let's get to business. I like contests that are short and sweet, not ones that last so long you forget you even entered.

Contest ends May 27 (Thursday) midnight central time (thanks Jaycie S. for helping me learn my time zone) for those of you that don't know...that's Texas time :)

No entries made after this time will be counted.

Winners will be announced Friday just in case the winners need a new weekend project.

(P.S. there will be 5 winners)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. This is the only way I can count them without going blind or losing my mind, neither of which can happen this week!

Here are the ways you can enter; you can enter once or all 5 times!!

head over to Inner Hooker and tell me your favorite item
become a blog follower; or tell me you already are
'like' Inner Hooker on fb
post this giveaway link on your fb (be sure to leave a link back)
post a blog directing people here (be sure to leave a link back)

Now go play, enter, spread the love!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday 05/25

Supah Mommy explains it best on her blog to get there and play for yourself click on the post it...she sums it up

"Why bother wasting your breath, spewing verbalness... when you can simply sum it all up in one neat n tidy little post it note."

Love it!

To get the scoop, write your own and link up click the post it below!

Go HERE to make your post its

Monday, May 24, 2010

Not Me 05/24

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not spend 6+ hours Saturday night attempting to fix my blog after COMPLETELY screwing it up! Damn you html!

After cleaning house really REALLY well last week and promising to keep up with it I would NEVER ever drop the ball...again.

I did not fail to pay attention to a submission time and have it hit me the night before! This would not lead to a massive rushed feeling while getting THIS tutorial together. I did not then go back and double check the submission time only to realize it was the next day at NOON!

I did not neglect small child while putting together tutorial. If I did I definitely wouldn't have found this lovely mess. Ahhh what a small boy can get into in just a few short minutes ;)

I did not curse like a sailor throughout Gray's Anatomy. Literally...for 2 hours....Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit!!!! Intense I tell ya'!

Now, what didn't you do this week???

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flower Headband Tutorial

I have wanted to share a freebie with everyone for quite some time and the time is finally here!  Craftaholics Anonymous is hosting a readers tutorial week and I am thrilled to have been picked!!  Super Exciting!  I am not too sure when it will post; I do believe this week sometime.  So my wonderful readers, you get the sneak peak first!

Flower Headband

Today I have a great little crochet headband tutorial. I am going to make it in a newborn size, but you could make it to fit as large a head as you need. I definitely will be tossing one of these in my hospital know, just in case this baby is a girl.

Here we go!

H hook
Few yards of worsted weight yarn in the colors of your choices.
          (I used I Love This Cotton Brand and Peaches and Cream.)
yarn needle
measuring tape (to double check how long your starting chain is)

Abbreviations- I will use these minimally for the newbies
ch: chain
st: stitch
sk: skip
skst: skip stitch
sc: single crochet
hdc: half double crochet
dc: double crochet
( ): repeat around
{ }: total number of stitches

Gauge is not really important since you will be measuring your own work.

As stated above this is a great newborn headband, the band isn't too thick and is super soft. I made mine to fit approximately a 14" head.

Let's get started;

chain 50 or the number you require to reach your head measurement, use your measuring tape to measure.

Slip stitch to join to the beginning. Be sure chain is not twisted!

half double crochet in each stitch around, slip stitch to join (again be sure it's not twisted) {50 hdc}
Chain 3 and flip under your headband then turn headband; this may sound a little confusing so here is a quick video clip. Essentially you are going to ch 3 so that you can reach the other side of your headband. You are turning the band so that the front of your stitches will match the other row.
here is the video if you need a little extra help

half double crochet in each stitch around, slip stitch to join {50 hdc}
fasten off (knot) and using your yarn needle weave in those tails!
Now your band is complete!

 Let's start on the flower.

You will start with a chain; the longer the chain, the larger the flower. If you would like a larger flower increase your chain in increments of 3 and add 1 to that total. I am going to make mine 30 + 1 chain for skipping.  This makes a flower approx. 2" wide.

Chain 31

Skip stitch closest to hook and single chain across (30 sc)

Ch 1, turn, (sc in next stitch, 4 dc in next, sc in next) repeat 10 times (10 petals made)

fasten off (knot), leave approx 18" tail for sewing to headband.

Roll your scallops into a flower shape, you can do this as loose or tight as you'd like.  When you get the desired look using your yarn needle on the longest tail sew through all layers of flower randomly around to keep in place. 

Decide where you want the flower, using your yarn needle stitch to headband.
I try to keep the stitches in the very edge so they are less visible.

When it is stitched on well pull long tail out near short tail.  Tie a small know in between the band and the flower.
You are done!  Fast and easy!
This is a very basic pattern. You could make this as large or as small as you'd like, more flowers, etc... Get Creative!
The Stitch-A-Long is starting soon!!!  Stay tuned for more details!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fun at the Spray Park

2 or 3 weeks back we headed to the park down the road. I had hopes of getting a few decent pictures of the sunhat on Sawyer and then the kids could play in the spray park. Yes we have a pool in our backyard that one would assume is cooler than some spray stuff but nope...they still dig the spray park. Here are a few pics!

Look at those pretty eyeballs!  So sparkly and innocent!

Sorry there aren't more pictures of Karly.  She is far too cool these days to pose for pictures for her mom.  Oh and her and her friend played in the other area where her brother wouldn't be an inconvenience to her image ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

14 weeks

Baby O is 14 weeks, 3.5 months already and officially in the second trimester. The best trimester of them all! Aside from a month or so of serious nausea (with zero vomiting which is almost worse than just puking and being done with it) and being uber tired, this pregnancy isn't too shabby! Still in denial that it's my last though. Maybe we'll win the lotto and I can have a few more?

I had an appointment yesterday; all is well.  No weight gain thus far.  It's still early and I really shouldn't be gaining so that's a good thing.  (Note to self:  get new scale or fix old one stat!)  Measuring on target and baby's heartbeat was right at 150.  Now if you are a believer of old wives tales that heartbeat rate equates to a girl (but so did Sawyer in the beginning)  Oh and the Chinese Gender Calender says girl too...eek!  That one did predict Sawyer accurately!  Good thing they are just old wives tales!  26 weeks and we'll know what it is for sure!

Here is the heartbeat from yesterday.  It's the faster one, you can hear it pick up mine for a bit as well so just listen for the faster one.  Sorry for the roof and wall shots, I wanted to record on my camera because the sound is better than using my phone.

Not sure how a lemon is bigger than the peach from last week but whatever...oh and don't ever google 14 week fetus. Or any age fetus for that matter. Very sad and gross images. Trust me. Don't do it.
Here is what Little O is up to!

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

ahhh, now doesn't that sound cute!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things I Like Thursday

I don't think I have ever devoted an entire post to just ONE thing that I like...until today. These are so gorgeous and she has lots of links and pictures!  In hopes of not overwhelming you I am sticking with one thing!

Enter Whippy Cake!  
The headbands are gorgeous, the models definitely aren't hurting the pictures or products either! This is seriously just pretty person and item one after another. Oh and did I mention she is from Arizona?? Ah yeah, little home town shout out! 

See, I told you!  Gorgeous right???  Almost makes me hope this baby cooking is a girl...then I remember Karly and I can sport these and go back to hoping for a boy! 

Not only do they make great products, there is a blog and YouTube videos for some adorable hair do's (is that how you spell it?)  She even says they are great for Day 2 or Day 3 hair!  ha it!  Gotta love a girl that keeps it real.  I wish I could make it to Day 3; my thin hair would be uber NASTY by then!

  Ok, go prepare to drool....over the good stuff...not the thought of my greasy hair ;)

Click on any of the below to visit

Still haven't had enough?  UCreate is hosting a giveaway.  It ends tomorrow so go check it out!  If you win, you owe me though!