
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday 03/30

Supah Mommy explains it best on her blog to get there and play for yourself click on the post it...she sums it up

"Why bother wasting your breath, spewing verbalness... when you can simply sum it all up in one neat n tidy little post it note."

Love it!

To get the scoop, write your own and link up click the post it below!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Hard at work, baking a...


yes I took two (3 actually) they come in a 2-pack and really what are you supposed to do with that second one???  Take it a few days later...just in case ;)

For those of you not in my personal world or on my facebook this is probably new news for you. For those of you that already know...well you get to hear it again.

Sawyer is going to be a big brother!  and Karly a big sister...again!

After less than a month of 'trying' we are expecting baby #3!! I think Chris and I were both pretty shocked it happened so quickly! In fact I got my iud out in February on the chance it took a year or so (like with Sawyer) to get pregnant. We didn't want them too far apart. We knew we were taking the chance of them being close, but 18 months apart was a shocker! I guess my body remembered what to do! Either way, we are super excited! I go to the doctor at the end of April but my guess is a Thanksgiving baby is coming our way!

Yes, this is how I told Chris.  I took a test in the morning (Chris asleep from working overnight) and I got 'stick fright' so it took 2 rounds and produced no more than a few drops.  The plus came out but really fuzzy.  Needless to say I had to get another test ASAP...tortured through the longest church service ever, race to Target and then Chili's for lunch where I could wait no longer.  Chili's bathroom is better than Target right??  Either way, no more stick fright and 2 pink lines.  Mom and I went to the mall to find a shirt.  When I got home Chris held him and chatted him up not even reading the shirt!!!  Poor guy had just woke up and was still in sleepy slow brain mode!  He finally got it :)

Not Me 03/29

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

You know the drill....time to confess...I mean share our minor short comings from the last week.

I am not behind on personal blog by half a dozen. Nope, not me. I always keep up with everything.

I do not still have my St. Patrick's Day topiary out and think of different Easter Springy ideas much of the day. I think I need a kick in the motivational butt.

I have not done next to zero crochet this week. In my defense I am still waiting on back ordered yarn from Canada. It has been promised to arrive tomorrow so I'll be on a crochet binge for a few days after that. I do have a pattern pretty much done that I need to wrap up as well.

I did not nap a minimum of 2 hours every day this week! Seriously. Thank goodness Sawyer must be having sympathy exhaustion this week as well. Or maybe he just loves snuggling and snoozing with his momma!

I did not make the grossest tasting stew EVER! I did not feel so bad about it that I told everyone they didn't have to eat it as they tried to force it down their throats. FOUL is all I have to say.

Hope you all were more productive than I was last week!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fun at the park

We have a great walking trail and park not too far from the house. Sawyer loves a nice walk on a sunny afternoon. I am excited to get confident enough on my bike to ride him here!

Sawyer is still a little young to play on the playground equipment especially when it's so busy. On days like this we sit and watch Karly play for a few minutes until A) a swing opens up or B) Sawyer screams and park time is over. It's usually option B. This day Sawyer learned how to escape me being the concerned parent I took pictures of the escape instead of saving him.

Too big for his own good!  Yes, I do realize he looks like an orphan...and is wearing his big sisters tshirt :)

ahhh dirt!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Things I Like Thursday 03/25

Happy Thursday!  I have decided I like so many things that Thursdays has become a difficult day to decide just what to highlight :) 

I am sure many of you have seen moss terrariums either for purchase or on blogs.   I love them!  I am not exactly certain why but I really really do!  Here are a few great ones I found cruising on Etsy this morning.

and last but not least a little Easter theme; can also be found at Blithe Gardens

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wanna Make it Wednesday 03/24

Ok, so I look like a knocked up starving chick posting food now instead of crafts but seriously...SERIOUSLY how delicious does this look!!

Brown Sugar Banana Ice Cream....yummmmm

Recipe can be found at David Lebovitz

and more food

Green Enchilada Sauce. It's no secret I love LOVE Mexican food. In fact I think I may have been a little old Mexican lady in a past life! I am always looking for tasty new mexi recipes and I can't wait to try this one!

Recipe can be found at Our Best Bites

Also from Our Best Bites. Silk Dyed Easter Eggs. Pretty gorgeous right! I can't wait to hit up Goodwill for some silk ties. Hello Tylerites...don't go stealing them all before I do!
Directions can be found her on Our Best Bites.

Now...what do you Wanna Make???

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday 03/23

Supah Mommy explains it best on her blog to get there and play for yourself click on the post it...she sums it up

"Why bother wasting your breath, spewing verbalness... when you can simply sum it all up in one neat n tidy little post it note."

Love it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Not Me 03/22

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
NonConfession Time

I did not stay up WAY too late every night for the past week...who am I kidding, I do this all the time. In turn it does not make me absolutely miserable in the morning.

I did not completely veg out all day Sunday. The weather was nasty and it would have been the sort of day that this was acceptable...but not me! My house is never neglected!

I do not have half a dozen crochet projects started. Nope. I am a finisher of all things! I also most certainly do not have said projects loitered on every flat surface around the house. If I did it most certainly would only be 1 or 2 spots not, 7+!

I most certainly have not slacked on my blog while trying to crank out new patterns. Nope not me! Which reminds me I have lots of blogs I need to get up! Anyone know where I can buy a few more hours a day???

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wanna Make it Wednesday 03/17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sorry I have slacked the last few Wednesdays. Believe it or not I have been crafting away lately! Lots of new crochet going on. Still need to hang some stuff from a few weeks back and am ready to pull out the sewing machine.

Onto my Wanna Make Its....

I will likely never make either of these but LOVE them!!!

How great is this chore chart???  Not only is it cute, but totally functional!  How Does She shows you how you can make one too!

Sew A Straight Line has a tute on this adorable and reversible skirt.  I think its super cute but really these don't look good on us chubby chicks so I won't be making this one :(  It looks great on her though! 

Speaking of chubby...I will be making these :)

Strawberry Lemonade Bars...don't they just scream summer?
The recipe can be found here at Baking Bites

and the other think I will be making; this ADORABLE swaddling blanket
you can find this pattern along with a ton of other cute ones at Prudent Baby.

I have one other great Wanna Make it, but I can't copy the dang picture even after I got permission so maybe she will send me one! week!

I also was going to ask...not sure how many people read this, BUT would anyone be interested in making your own Wanna Make It Wednesdays?  If so, I could start a MckLinky party thingy...let me know what you think!  It's always nice to see other blogs and ideas too!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sawyer's first hair cut

We took Sawyer for his first hair cut!
We cruised out to Chandler so Aunt Donna could do the honors. He did ok, better than I expected but was over it about halfway through! I was a little sad and not ready for my shaggy little baby to transform into a little boy. He seems like such a big boy n
ow...not my little baby. I will admit he looks super adorable though! Here is a quick video clip and a handful of pictures for you!

My shaggy little guy!
So handsome!